The Mistress … is coming

My next tale is a novella, but at 47, 000 words it’s a decent length. I know size is important to some of us, and what better than something just long enough with plenty of meat on it?

Tiffany, The Mistress, is the owner of more than one establishment, plus of course, she’s gorgeous so pretty much anything she wants—she gets; including information. One of her businesses is a club, and the other is her combined investigation agency and corrective training centre—T.I.T.S.

T.I.T.S., or Tiffany’s Intimate Training Services is not somewhere a guy wants to end up, but so many men go spreading their wild oats when those days should be over—for example, if they’re married. By the time they’ve spent a few days with T.I.T.S. their lives have been altered, and they’ve seen the error of their ways.

If you like to see a bit of cum-uppance be sure to watch out for this title. There is sex and because it seemed right, there is a plot. Well, it is a story.

Target publication date is 18th April, but The Mistress might come earlier …

The Woman Next Door – is now available

My second book is a novella and features a small cast. I’ve already learned if you want an intimate story, activity with fewer participants will help.

The Woman Next Door examines what happens when a married couple moves to a remote community in rural Perth, Scotland. To be more accurate, the story features the antics of Brad, the husband, who takes a keen interest in the life of their nearest neighbour.

Natasha, the attractive dark-haired woman who lives a short distance away is seemingly unaware of being watched through binoculars—but is she unaware or teasing?

Brad is unable to resist and gets close—too close as things turn out, and he gets caught. Life is set to change for the inquisitive man who seeks more excitement.

Now Available! Please click on the book cover.

Updated 2nd March 2019 to highlight publication.


My debut novel, Neighbourhood Watch has been out there in the big wide world for a couple of weeks now. It’s selling well, but like most erotica authors I might have to wait a while for reviews.


How hard can it be?

I’ve seen the number of eBooks increase over the past couple of years and as I scribbled my ideas and then typed them as stories, I thought, one day I’ll publish.

You’d think that I’d have the confidence to just do it, but no, I don’t want to produce one book and wait for years for the next. My first story is complete, but not yet published. (It’s being proofread).

I’ve chosen what I think are three pretty good themes for my next titles, so I’m going to take tips from a guy who has been writing erotica successfully for a while.

My mentor is performing a final proofread of my first book ‘Neighbourhood Watch‘, and apparently, it’s ‘not too bad’. He suggested that instead of continuing by working on one book, I should update my notes for a variety of titles, and then choose one to concentrate on.

The theory is for me to try to write the whole story quickly, save it, and leave it aside. I then have to write as much as I can of the next one and leave it aside. Yes, you’ve guessed, I have to do the same with the third one … and leave it aside. Another idea was for me to try writing a couple of chapters to see how a story opens up. I’ll give that a go too and see what works best for me.   

The author who is mentoring me said that by the time I got back to the first new story and read it through, I’d have a better feel for where I was taking things.

I also owe him big time because he helped me set up this site, and he’s producing my covers which is an area that did worry me. I know the theory of ‘branding’, but building my own will take me a while.

I hope to publish Neighbourhood Watch in February 2019, but wish me luck as I get underway with the others. I’d suggested April to produce one title from my Work in Progress menu, but I’ve already learned that it would be too quick. I’ll see how things look for a May or June publication.
